Hoffmann's Lotto-Experte for MarkSix Hong Kong
for Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / Server / 10
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 This program can not predict lottery numbers, of course, it only tries by optimizing the number of tips to increase the chances. Now with Tip transfer directly to the website. Lotto is and remains a gamble. "Hoffmann Lotto-Experte" as long as FREEWARE until they have calculated the first winning tip. Good Luck!! For 10€ you can register the program.

Lotto-Experte "speaks" German, French, English, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Dutch, Danish, Polish, Czech, Chinese

Version 2.0 (03.02.2020)
Download: marksixp.exe (3,7MB)  

To register you will receive an email with the unlock code.

By clicking on the globe you read the numbers of draws and your tip is evaluated.

  There are different analysis: cross sums, outstanding number drawn, tip distribution, many statistics and charts ...

After purchase you will receive your license code by email

Partner /Werbung

gibt es für:

Deutschland 6 aus 49
SpielGemeinschaften mit System
EuroMillions Europa
EuroJackpot Europa
Österreich 6 aus 45
Schweiz 6 aus 45
Loto Frankreich
UK National Lottery
SuperEnaLotto Italien
El Gordo Spanien
La Primitiva Spanien
Powerball USA
MegaMillions USA
Sat/Wed Lottery Australia
Griechenland LOTTA
Hong Kong MarkSix

Keno-Experte Kanada
Toto Auswahlwette 6 aus 45

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